Albert T. Reid cartoon "They Might Have Gone Free with Modern Procedure" of John Wilkes Booth and Charles Guiteau. Pencil and ink drawing. Original signed. Originally marked "Reid Sketches, 1920-1924; alcohol, opium, woman; Property of Dr. and Mrs. E.T. Carlson"; copyright 1924 by The Bell Syndicate Inc., 1924

Box 2

Access and use

Parent restrictions:
There are no access restrictions on this material.
Parent terms of access:
Written permission must be obtained from the Oskar Diethelm Library and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.
Location of this collection:
DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry: History, Policy and the Arts
Weill Cornell Medical College
525 East 68th Street, Box 140
New York, NY 10065, United States