A-B, 1963

Box 3
Scope and content:

Z. Alexander Aarons, C.H.A., Margaret R. Barnes, George D. Astley and The Society of Authors, [Aln. Cunberlin?], Janet Baines, Alice Bentley, A. Bonnard, Barbara Woodhead, Izabela Bielicka, C. Benierakis, Bernard S. Brandchaft, Elaine M. Brandchaft, Barbara Crowther of the British Broadcasting Corporation, J.W.P. Thompson and Martin Ware of the British Medical Journal, Edward W. Hart of the British Paediatric Association, J.N. Britton, Elizabeth B., Augusta Bonnard

Access and use

Parent restrictions:
Some letters from patients or other physicians describe the nature of patients' illnesses. This correspondence has been segregated from the general correspondence, and access to it is restricted.
Parent terms of access:
Written permission must be obtained from the Oskar Diethelm Library and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection. All publication rights remain under the control of the Trustees of the Winnicott Trust, and researchers should contact the Trustees with requests for use. Permission of the Trustees shall not be required for brief extracts of unpublished material used by researchers for critical analysis of not more than 250 words each or for a series of extracts (with comments interposed) aggregating up to 500 words but of which no one extract exceeds 200 words. Inquiries to quote from published material should be referred to the relevant publisher.
Location of this collection:
DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry: History, Policy and the Arts
Weill Cornell Medical College
525 East 68th Street, Box 140
New York, NY 10065, United States