World Psychiatric Association Records, 1967 - 1989

Collection context


World Psychiatric Association
This collection contains records from the World Psychiatric Association. The collection has 4 series: World Psychiatric Association Headquarters, Section on the History of Psychiatry, Newsletters, and Publications.
5 boxes 2.01 linear feet


Scope and content:

This collection contains records from the World Psychiatric Association. There are 4 series in this collection.

World Psychiatric Association Headquarters: The World Psychiatric Association headquarters were located in Geneva, London, and Copenhagen at different times. The official records in this collection include statutes and bylaws, minutes of the Executive Committee (incomplete), some reports, and related material.

Section on the History of Psychiatry: The bulk of the correspondence in the WPA collection pertains to the Section on the History of Psychiatry. Dr. Eric Carlson began his relationship with the Section in 1967 as its first chairman. The constitution of the Section was officially adopted in 1971. Dr. Denis Leigh, Secretary General of the WPA in the late l960’s and 1970’s, was responsible for the organization of the symposia on different topics to members. According to Dr. Leigh’s specific instructions, the purpose of this Section was to further the study of the history of psychiatry through the meetings of expert committees, symposia, arrangement of lectures, and other educational events. The records of the Section consist of the Constitution, list of members, and correspondence pertaining to the planning of the Session on the History of Anxiety held at the V World Congress of Psychiatry in Mexico City.

Newsletters: Newsletters were published by the Secretariat and contain information about upcoming congresses and symposia, committees, individual and organizational members of the WPA, and related matters. A special issue (1986) is devoted to WPA history from 1961-1986 and contains the statutes and bylaws, as well as the Declaration of Hawaii, regarding ethical standards in psychiatry.

Publications: This series consists of The Bulletin, a publication containing newsworthy items and brief articles on WPA members. The series also contains programs abstracts from some of the World Congresses and symposia.

Biographical / historical:

The World Psychiatric Association was founded in 1961 to form an association of National Societies of Psychiatry. According to the World Psychiatric Association, “The WPA is an association of national psychiatric societies aimed to increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in the field of mental health and the care for the mentally ill.” The purpose of the Association is to coordinate on a worldwide scale the activities of the member psychiatric societies and to advance inquiry into the etiology, pathology, and treatment of mental illness.

Acquisition information:
Dr. Eric T. Carlson was the first chairman of the Section on the History of Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Although the Section’s constitution was officially approved in 1971, Dr. Carlson and others were involved in its formation starting in 1967. The records of this Section during Dr. Carlson’s tenure have been maintained, and this library is not an official depository of the World Psychiatric Association. The majority of the other material was obtained during Dr. Carlson’s chairmanship of the Section on the History of Psychiatry.

Access and use


There are no access restrictions on this material.

Terms of access:

Written permission must be obtained from the Oskar Diethelm Library and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Location of this collection:
DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry: History, Policy and the Arts
Weill Cornell Medical College
525 East 68th Street, Box 140
New York, NY 10065, United States