New York County Psychiatric Society Records, 1927 - 1990

Collection context


New York County Psychiatric Society
This collection contains records from the New York County Psychiatric Society. The collection has 6 series: Constitution, Programs, and Reports on History of the District Branch; Correspondence; Committees; Executive Council Minutes; Assembly of District Branches; and Publications.
7 boxes 2.92 linear feet


Scope and content:

This collection contains records from the New York County Psychiatric Society. There are 6 series in this collection.

Constitution, Programs, and Reports on History of the District Branch: Copies of the Constitution, bylaws, and meeting programs are housed in this series. Dr. Marie-Louise Schoelly’s report written for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the District Branch provides information on changes that have occurred over the years.

Correspondence: This is primarily from the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Sidney Malitz. The correspondence relates to the general operation of the District Branch. There are also official letters written by the president and distributed to the entire membership. These are followed by lists of names of the presidents-elects and presidents. Because there are so few financial records, official accounting financial reports are included in this series.

Committees: Numerous committees comprise the District Branch, however only a few are represented in this collection There are many versions of the constitution and bylaws during the period of revision (1962-1964). The Ethics Committee material (Folder 2:4) is restricted to protect the identity of individuals mentioned therein.

Executive Council Minutes: The Executive Council recommends the admission or rejection of applicants to the District Branch and disciplinary measures relative to members; appoints and sets salaries of such personnel as auditors, accountants, and attorneys; adopts a budget and controls the funds; approves publication of its proceedings and other papers; and considers proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws. The Executive Council is composed of the four officers of the District Branch, the two immediate Past-Presidents, and seven voting members.

Assembly of District Branches: This body is composed of approximately 75 district branches of the APA across the country. The Assembly was designed to provide a greater voice in the governance of the national organization. The Council of the New York State District Branches represented the State in the Assembly of District Branches. The Committee of Delegates consisted of 11 district branches in New York City and was a loose confederation. Later the organization changed and was based on a more formal structure. The Council of Delegates was a confederation of district branches in New York State.

Publications: This series consists primarily of newsletters published by the District Branch. Two membership directories and a few reports prepared by other organizations are included.

Biographical / historical:

The New York County Psychiatric Society was founded in 1922 as the New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry and became an affiliate society of the American Psychiatric Association in 1947. It was known as the New York County District Branch from 1952-1958 and thereafter was designated as the New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry, New York County Branch, American Psychiatric Association, and the New York County District Branch-American Psychiatric Association. According to its constitution, it was organized for educational and scientific purposes and engages in activities to advance the art and science of the psychiatric field. Activities are focused on the continuing psychiatric education of the membership. The District Branch functions as a component of the American Psychiatric Association and fulfills the objectives, functions, and activities of the APA.

Acquisition information:
Gift of New York County Psychiatric Society, 1973.

Access and use


Box 2, Series III, folder 4 is restricted from use to protect the identity of individuals mentioned.

Terms of access:

Written permission must be obtained from the Oskar Diethelm Library and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Location of this collection:
DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry: History, Policy and the Arts
Weill Cornell Medical College
525 East 68th Street, Box 140
New York, NY 10065, United States