Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection, 1988-2019

Collection context


Syracuse University.
Materials relating to various memorial services held in commemoration of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 at Syracuse University and off campus
0.75 linear foot
Preferred citation:

Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection,


Scope and content:

The Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection has been divided into two subject based series: Syracuse University memorials and Other memorials. These materials relate to various memorial services held in commemoration of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, either on Syracuse University's campus and sponsored by the university or held off campus and sponsored by independent organizations or communities. This division does not preclude the involvement of Syracuse University in outside services or the presence of those not associated directly with the university at Syracuse University sponsored events.

Not every memorial service planned for Pan Am 103 is represented in this collection.

Biographical / historical:

SU Memorial Service in the Dome January 18, 1989

A memorial vigil was held in Hendrick's Chapel on Syracuse University's main campus immediately following the announcement that 35 Syracuse University students were killed onboard Pan Am 103. Memorial vigils like this and other, larger commemorative events have been held at various times since the bombing on December 21, 1988. Individual schools and colleges that lost students have also sponsored memorial events.

Many communities around the country and the world have held memorial services in remembrance of the victims of Pan Am 103. The village of Lockerbie holds ceremonies annually and the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. plans a memorial service at the Arlington Memorial Cairn site at Arlington National cemetery every year on the anniversary of the bombing.

Acquisition information:
Transferred from Hendricks Chapel in 1999, various campus offices at Syracuse University, and collected by Archives staff.
Processing information:

The Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection has been processed.


The Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection has been arranged alphabetically within each series.

Access and use


There are no access restrictions for this collection.

Terms of access:

Written permission must be obtained from the Pan Am Flight 103 Archives and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Preferred citation:

Pan Am 103 Memorials Collection,

Location of this collection:
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries
Bird Library, Room 600
Syracuse, NY 13244, United States