Cortland County Historical Society

Cortland County Historical Society

25 Homer Avenue
Cortland, NY 13045, United States
Cortland County Historical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving local history through documents and objects. CCHS operates from the 1882 Italianate home of inventor and real estate developer James Suggett. The Kellogg Memorial Research Library allows researchers access to historical materials that include city and county directories, newspaper articles archived by category, photographs, genealogies, DAR books, and various other sources. CCHS allows researchers to access these objects for both personal and professional reasons and works with the local college and schools to provide programs. CCHS's Suggett House Museum offers tours to learn more about the history of Cortland County.

Our Collections

Collection ID: CCHS.13
Collection ID: CCHS.14
Collection ID: CCHS.23
Collection ID: CCHS.24
Collection ID: 2022.118
Collection ID: CCHS.26
Collection ID: CCHS.21
Collection ID: CCHS.22